I started creating things under the 'T.B.O.A. Sad' name when I was a lot younger. What the name stood for was secret and to this day, no one's figured it out. Random guesses don't amount to much, and now that I'm older I'm ready to take it to the grave.
I'm dedicated straight edge, indifferent to opinions and have a general dislike toward most humans. I take road trips to the mountains and haunted sites, backpacking every year across Japan. My hobbies keep me going and alive - Horror, puro resu, retro import games - I love studying duality, the occult and behavioral science too.
I'll loyal to my art without fear of rejection. Writing, publishing and promoting horror. Sewing whatever monsters come to mind. Patching clothes and furniture, always starting something new. There's no end goal of what needs to be next, no pursuit of acceptance, acknowledgement or fame. Are you barely alive? I don't want to just live and die.
Copyright © 2024 T.B.O.A. Sad / R.A.S.
All Rights Reserved.